Severe Nesting Syndrome: Moving Yearly & Making a Home

Posted in Life

I know I’ve mentioned before on this blog that I’ve developed a habit of moving once a year. In the past 6 years, I’ve lived in 5 homes/apartments. The longest I’ve ever stayed in a house was in college, with 4 other roommates and rent that was cheaper than my […]


SXSWi 2013 Experience

Posted in Life

Note: I realize this post is incredibly late. I’ve been super busy the past month and haven’t had a chance to post. Apologies. This year was my first year to go to SXSW Interactive. And boy, what a whirlwind it was. My bosses had warned my co-worker, Michael (another first […]


Workspace as Inspiration

Posted in Design

I’ve recently realized that most of my friends are fellow designers or creatives (photographers, filmmakers, etc). I think it’s safe to say most creatives could relate, but the question is, why? I think as creatives we surround ourselves with people that are going to expand our aesthetic and further our […]