Daily Inspirations: Kelli Anderson

Posted in Inspiration

Something to know about designers – we get total designer crushes on other creatives. One of mine is Kelli Anderson. Her work is so fun, textural, and has amazing use of color and typography. Plus she does a bunch of gorgeous infographics, which inspires me in my day job, where […]


Daily Inspirations: Help Ink

Posted in Design

Earlier this week I discovered a really, really awesome website. Especially awesome if you’re a print junkie like me. It’s called Help Ink, and it’s magical. Basically, they invite really badass designers to create really badass prints. These then get turned into posters, notebooks, mounted prints, and notecards. You buy […]


Daily Inspirations: Peaks by Matthew Smith

Posted in Inspiration

For me, a major part of keeping creativity is to consume creativity. As you can imagine, this means following a lot of designers, artists, photographers, and (although I’m notoriously bad at this) musicians. One of the designers I follow on dribbble is Matthew Smith. I’ve also started following his instagram. […]